Mar 29, · English CV tip — Those writing a resume in English as their second language should use templates and examples as much as possible. Writing a CV in English is different than writing a CV in your native language. English has several nuances that you must be aware of and the sentence structure is often different than what you are used to Henrietta Nagy is a seasoned portfolio worker with over 10 years’ experience in the UK education sector. Henrietta writes educational content, designs academic courses, delivers university lecturers, mentors entrepreneurs, and provides career development coaching We value excellent academic writing and strive to provide outstanding essay writing service each and every time you place an order. We write essays, research papers, term papers, course works, reviews, theses and more, so our primary mission is to help you succeed academically
Professor CV: Example, Template & Writing Guide [20+ Tips]
This site uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. To learn more visit our Privacy Policy. Only 3 percent of Ph. holders become professors. Once there, seeking research funding feels like taking part in Shark Tank.
Want to save time and have your academic CV ready in a flash? Try our resume builder. Create your CV now. Academic CV sample made with our builder— See more templates and create your CV here.
Transitioning out of academia to an industry of your choosing? Switch over to: Professor Resume. Supervised 25 BA theses, 10 MA theses, and 3 Ph. Edited and co-authored 2 monographs on contemporary trends in political thought. Published over 10 articles in peer-reviewed journals. University of Iowa, — Taught a total of 20 undergraduate and 7 postgraduate courses, mainly focused on research methods in political science, writing a cv for academic positions germany, as well as comparative politics.
Supervised 10 MA theses. Head of the political economy research group. Humboldt University, — Taught a total of 5 undergraduate and 5 postgraduate courses, mainly focused on quantitative analysis in social science, as well as comparative political research.
Supervised 5 MA theses, writing a cv for academic positions germany. October September Undergraduate level writing a cv for academic positions germany covering statistical analysis: Introduction to Statistics, Experimental Methods. Graduate level courses covering statistical analysis: Advanced Quantitative Methods, Introduction to Formal Models of Politics. Graduate and undergraduate courses on American politics: Financing American Elections, Political Participation, Quantifying Populism: Sentiments and Attitudes.
Co-managed a project with Felix Hoffenheim comparing models of economic development between the United States and Germany. Founding Member, Contemporary American Political Economy Research SeminarHumboldt University, Your professor CV is not a resume. The purpose of a professor CV is to blow away selection committees by detailing your academic career and achievements.
Now—when you sat down to find the best professor CV template, you saw hundreds of different professor CV examples with sections in a different order. Why use this one? It ranks the sections based on competitiveness and prestige, and shows how good of a candidate you are off the bat.
What do you do? Skip the sections where it is not applicable. But do follow this order as best you can. There are cases where sections will change. If you are writing a curriculum vitae for a college professor position with ample lecturing duties, do put your teaching experience higher up. But if you are a college professor, it makes more sense to have your regular academic contract experience first because it is more difficult to achieve than doing research.
Pro Tip: Not sure whether you should go with a PDF or Word CV? Choose PDF. It converts better and looks sleek. Okay, so you have a checklist for what sections should be included. Make sure the header of your professor curriculum vitae includes your full contact information. When should you include your LinkedIn profile in your professor CV?
Need some help? Use our guide as a reference: How to Check Your Online Presence Before Recruiters Look You Up, writing a cv for academic positions germany. A research objective is a brief introduction of the candidate who seeks a more research -oriented position. So if you want a research grant, go with a research objective.
Go with a personal profile, writing a cv for academic positions germany. It best captures your achievements and academic background.
That was the goal of our candidate. She wanted to continue her tenure track at another institution. It shows her achievements and proves her academic writing a cv for academic positions germany with super specific examples. Spell check? Start building professional CV template here for free.
Your institutional affiliations matter. Make it pop. Start by listing the golden achievement—your doctorate degree. Use the chronological resume writing a cv for academic positions germany and list all your postsecondary degrees in reverse. For experienced academics, make sure not to list all study abroad or certificate programs in this section. The more institutional affiliations, the better in academia. If you want to make your professor CV look more professional, avoid using bullet points.
Bullet points are typical for resume job descriptions. And you already know your professor CV is not a resume. Notice this is a contracted academic position—not a lecturer, adjunct, or postdoc.
In this section of your professor CV, make sure not to list part-time lecturing positions or teaching assistant roles, writing a cv for academic positions germany. Most Ph. or postdoctoral fellows did some teaching in the past. You know how important it is for an academic to have peer-reviewed publications. List them first in a dedicated CV publications section.
Then move on to other publications. Pro Tip: Bibliography style matters. Choose one MLA, APA or Chicago and stick to it throughout your professor CV. Pro Tip: Should you write how much money you received? The jury is still out. Business or STEM field professor curriculum vitae examples do list it. Showcase these achievements in this section.
List them in chronologically descending order like your awards and honors. Also, list the project name you were working on. The conferences you attended with no presentation and those where you were the plenary speaker are the opposite ends of the spectrum of events organized in academia.
Make sure to focus on the ones where you were the guest speaker. Most openings in academia are for lecturing positions these days. Here, you should list all the teaching experience you have. In this case, focus more on the level of the courses you taught. Check out how our candidate listed her teaching experience because her professor CV is so packed with other accomplishments. Looking to transition out of research and only teach?
Because they are very important for an outstanding professor CV, make sure to highlight them in a dedicated CV section. Use the same format as in other parts of your curriculum vitae—the reverse chronological order. List your job titlesinstitute, and years worked. For inexperienced academics—list as many research projects you were affiliated in as possible.
If you were involved in a book project or co-edited a special issue for a peer-reviewed journal, include it here. A professor CV can benefit from a section with additional activities—on condition you make it worth reading.
Take a look at some examples of professor CV additional activities the academic committees will appreciate:. Plus, in your professor CV you have to indicate your proficiency writing a cv for academic positions germany. Without it, nobody will take you seriously. Here are the typical proficiency levels used for CV language skills :. Our candidate uses statistical software to do her research. Thinking about listing soft skills on your CV?
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A CV covers far more of your professional and academic history. It will be longer that one page, depending on the amount of schooling and work experience you have. The CV is better suited for graduate degree applications, government jobs, entertainment or international work if you’re a U.S. job seeker Sep 29, · If you are writing a curriculum vitae for a college professor position with ample lecturing duties, do put your teaching experience higher up. But if you are a college professor, it makes more sense to have your regular academic contract experience first because it is more difficult to achieve than doing research Jun 07, · 6. Academic. If you’re applying for a job in academia, whether an educational or research position, you’ll need to abandon the ‘normal’ CV and instead opt for an academic CV.. Unlike non-academic CVs, academic CVs place emphasis on education, teaching experience, research work and publications, rather than on skills and work experience
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