· A response paper is a short essay which conveys the writer's reaction to one or several texts that he or she has read. This kind of assignment is usually given to students after they have read a number of articles, or a work of fiction Some teachers refer to these as essay paragraphs. In terms of length, a short response can range from a single paragraph composed of anywhere from – words to a couple of paragraphs with – words – even longer if you have a lot to say. These, of course, are estimates, but you get the blogger.comted Reading Time: 9 mins Writing a response essay might seem like a challenging task at first. Firstly, you need to understand to a great extent what the study that you are responding to is talking about and then make sure that you write an insightful, true to the source essay about blogger.comted Reading Time: 12 mins
What is a Short Response Essay? - essaypop blog
essaypop short response 0. Oftentimes your teacher will assign a quickie — a short response paper short response essay might be assigned after a classroom discussion or after reading a short story, a poem or an article. Some teachers refer to these as essay paragraphs. In terms of length, a short short response essay can range from a single paragraph composed of anywhere from — words to a couple of paragraphs with — words — even longer if you have a lot to say.
These, of course, short response essay, are estimates, but you get the idea. One example of where short responses are required is on the University of California Freshman Personal Insight Questions. This application requires applicants to write four, short, short response essay, personal essays, each of which can be no longer than words in length. Applicants are actually penalized if they exceed this word count. The Common Application used by many private universities sets the range for their essay at to words.
The fact is, you are not always going to be assigned a long-form, multiple-paragraph essay, short response essay. The short responses are just as common, and, guess what, in terms of your grades, short response essay, they add up. The problem is, inexperienced writers often believe that because the responses are short, they can just churn them out short response essay with little regard for organization and structure.
This is a mistake. It is just as important to have a structured plan when approaching a short essay as it is when tackling a longer one. It should also be noted that many of the elements of the short response are also found in the longer, multiple-paragraph essay. Both types of essays have a hook and a thesis statement, for example. They both present evidence and commentary as well. In fact, if you can master the short response, you will have learned most of the skills needed to produce a longer, multiple-paragraph essay.
Even though your response may be a single paragraph, it still needs to begin with some sort of introductory hook. You need something to set a context for the writing.
It also requires a clear statement that precisely asserts what the main idea of the response will be. We call this the thesis statement.
It then needs to include some sort of researched information that you are discussing such as a statistic, a quote, a statement, a fact, a personal anecdote, etc… We call this the research detail also known as concrete detail, short response essay, text evidence and proof.
The response also requires the voice of the essay writer in the form of commentary, explanation and an overall making sense of things. We call this part the interpretation also known as analysis or explanation. Finally, the response should have some sort of closing sentence or two at the end to wrap things up and give the reader short response essay sense that the essay is finished.
We call this the closer. So, essentially, the most basic short response will have the following structure:. You need all of these parts. Of course, there are multiple variations to this structure.
Short response essay the hook, some writers might opt to flip the script and compose their interpretation first, then follow that up with a relevant research detail. Or the essayist might choose to add a second interpretation because they have more to say and wish to elaborate.
They may even want to add a second research detail. There is a lot of flexibility within the essaypop system as long as you have a structure that is organized and cohesive. The following models are short responses to various response-to-literature, persuasive, expository, and personal response prompts.
The color-coding used above will be used to distinguish the various short-response elements. This model represents the most basic form of short response. It is brief words and was written fairly quickly just 20 minutesbut it has all of the elements that a basic response needs: a short hooka clear thesis statementsome text-evidence research detailsome explanation interpretation and a closing sentence closer.
This response does short response essay job in the most efficient way possible. Use textual evidence to justify your answer. It seems that poets and authors take great delight in camouflaging their real themes and thoughts with strange symbols and figurative trickery. It is a physical fact that moonlight becomes separated into lines that are projected onto the floor when they pass through louvered blinds jalousies in this case.
Everything else in the poem, the small head, the large feet, the prowling, the sniffing, is all imagined by the child. This model is simply an augmentation of Model 1. The essay writer either had a little extra time or just had a little more to say. Or, maybe the teacher just assigned a higher word count. The modification here is the addition of a second interpretation. This simple addition can add depth and length to your response, and is worth trying if your responses tend to be a bit short or your teacher asks you to elaborate.
Everything else in the poem, the small head, short response essay, the large feet, the prowlingthe sniffing, is all imagined by the child. When you think back to your own childhood, short response essay, the experience that Levertov describes is not too far from the the way children experience the world. I remember working myself into a frenzy when I was four or five, imagining that every creak our old house made was a prowler creeping down the hall, or that the wind outside was the sound of winged beasts ready to sweep me away if I dared go outside.
This model is a subtle short response essay of Model short response essay. The difference is that the writer decided to write the interpretation directly following the thesis statement, and then bring in the research detail in the form of a quote. The rest is essentially the same. This is easily done by grabbing the writing frame handle and moving the desired frame to another location. No notes are included after this model because the elements are essentially the same as Model 2.
When you think back to your own childhood, the experience that Levertov describes is not too far from the way children experience the world. Like model 1, this response uses just the basic template formula. It is a in-class, timed assignment.
In a word short essay, discuss whether you believe the Horizon Pharmaceutical Company is justified in selling the drug Vimovo at the price that they do. After careful consideration, however, it seems clear that there is no way to justify this company charging such exorbitant prices for this drug.
According short response essay this journalist, It seems that Horizon simply takes two very common medications, a pain reliever and a stomach-upset medicine, and combines them into one pill, because pain relievers cause some people stomach discomfort. Not a bad idea I guess, short response essay, but at what cost? They seem to be able to get away with this with a series of sales tricks and back-room deals with insurance companies that the doctors and patients prescribing and using the drugs are seldom aware of.
This model is a variation of model 4. In order to make the response lengthier and more substantive, the essay writer added an additional research detail. She also split her original interpretation in two, dropping interpretation 2 down to follow the second research detail. Finally, short response essay, because the response was starting to short response essay lengthy, short response essay, she broke the response into a second paragraph.
By simply adding a paragraph break in a place that felt natural. No notes will follow this model. It seems that Horizon simply takes two very common medications, a pain reliever, and a stomach-upset medicine, and combines them into short response essay pill because pain relievers cause some people stomach discomfort. This is response to an actual University of California application question. It extends the basic short response template with the addition of a second research detail.
Research usually, but does not always, come from other sources, short response essay. Sometimes it comes from your own life in the form of recollections and personal anecdotes. The prompt: What have you done to make your school or your community a better place? Limit: words. My neighborhood was not an easy place to grow up, with poverty, unemployment and gang violence being a ubiquitous presence that affected everyone, especially kids.
As I grew up, I took advantage of every club, team, and outreach program in my neighborhood and at my school that I came into contact with. And, believe me when I say, it helped. So, when I entered Eagle Short response essay High School as a freshman, I knew that joining a service organization would be a priority for me.
Eagle Rock serves grades seven through ten, and some of our most at-risk students are our middle-schoolers. Bridges matches these kids with upperclassmen who guide these students through the rigors of the secondary school experience. It was a club that was supported by a federal grant for many years, but that grant expired, short response essay the club began to dwindle.
Without a budget and a teacher-mentor, Bridges lost its way. My group searched for and found a mentor, developed a fundraising strategy, recruited upperclassmen mentors, and crafted lesson plans that would engage our at-risk, middle school population. We created a mentoring schedule that had to accommodate the calendars of teachers, administration and the mentees themselves.
In time, we got the program up and running again, short response essay, and even exceeded our own expectations in doing so. In bringing back Bridges, we brought back a support system for our most vulnerable students that was dearly missing from Eagle Rock. We recreated a program that has helped students in need find the support they need during one of their toughest, transitional times. Giving back what I received growing up has always been a priority for me.
Resurrecting Bridges has allowed me to achieve this goal. The sinking of the Titanic was one of the great tragedies in history. But what is worse than the economic loss, short response essay, of course, is the massive loss of life. But who was responsible for the short response essay of the great ship? Certainly, many people played a role in the tragedy, but one person seems more culpable than all the others.
Based on the documents we have reviewed, short response essay, it seems clear that Captain Edward J. Smith is the individual most responsible for the sinking of the Titanic and the deaths of all of those unfortunate passengers, short response essay. Robert Ballard, who is considered one of the most-renowned Titanic experts, confirms this in his research.
ENG 101 How to Write a Response Essay
, time: 9:47Response papers | Academic Writing in English, Lund University

Writing a response essay might seem like a challenging task at first. Firstly, you need to understand to a great extent what the study that you are responding to is talking about and then make sure that you write an insightful, true to the source essay about blogger.comted Reading Time: 12 mins Short Answer Response = One Thesis Statement + one form of support + closing statement. (SAR= TS + S + CS) Thesis Statement: The thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about. (You must restate the questionFile Size: 1MB · A response paper is a short essay which conveys the writer's reaction to one or several texts that he or she has read. This kind of assignment is usually given to students after they have read a number of articles, or a work of fiction
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