Theses and Dissertations. IAM PhD Dissertation Titles to present. Name, Graduation Date. Title. Morena, Matthew, Mutual Stabilization of Chaotic Systems Through Entangles Cupolets. McClain, John, A Supercell Bloch Wave Method for Calculating Low-Energy Electron Reflectivity with Applications to Free-Standing Graphene and the research thesis was done under the supervision of prof. yuri i. lyubich in the department of mathematics i am sincerely grateful to my scientific supervisor, professor yuri i. lyubich, for his devoted guidance and the beneficial help he offered me during my graduate studies the generous financial help of technion is gratefully acknowledged rows · In the department awarded its first PhD to Grace M. Bareis, whose
PhD Dissertations | Department of Mathematics
Lindberg, Johan: Localic Categories of Models and Categorical Aspects of Intuitionistic Ramified Type Theory. Nicklasson, Lisa: Around minimal Hilbert series problems for graded algebras. Saleh, Bashar: Formality and rational homotopy theory of relative homotopy automorphisms. Serio, Andrea: Extremal eigenvalues and geometry of quantum graphs. Emmenegger, Jacopo: Exact completion and type-theoretic structures. Krüger, Oliver: On linear graph invariants related to Ramsey and edge numbers: or how I learned to stop worrying and love the alien invasion.
Nedic, Mitja: On Herglotz-Nevanlinna functions in several variables. Balletti, Gabriele: Classifications, volume bounds and universal Ehrhart inequalities of lattice polytopes.
Gonçalves, Iara Cristina Alvarinho: Decomposition of perverse sheaves. Marseglia, Stefano: Computing abelian varieties over finite fields. Nenashev, Gleb: Around power ideals: From Fröberg's conjecture to zonotopal algebra. Suhr, Rune: Phd thesis on mathematics estimates and Ambartsumian-type theorems for quantum graphs. Börjeson, Kaj: Free loop spaces, Koszul duality and A-infinity algebras.
Neuner, Christoph: On Supersingular Perturbations. Robbestad Gylterud, Håkon: Univalent Types, Sets and Multisets: Investigations in dependent type theory. Wierstra, Felix: Hopf Invariants in Real and Rational Homotopy Theory. Backman, Theo: Configuration spaces, props and wheel-free deformation quantization. Bergvall, Olof: Cohomology of arrangements and moduli spaces. Espíndola, Christian : Achieving completeness: from constructive set theory to large cardinals. Leander, Madeleine: Combinatorics of stable polynomials and correlation inequalities.
Oneto, Alessandro: Waring-type problems for polynomials: Algebra meets Geometry. Tveiten, Ketil: Period integrals and other direct images of D-modules, phd thesis on mathematics. Forsgård, Jens: Tropical aspects of real polynomials and hypergeometric functions. Bergh, Daniel: Destackification and Motivic Classes of Stacks. Johansson, Petter: On the topology of the coamoeba.
Martino, Ivan: Ekedahl Invariants, Veronese Modules and Linear Recurrence Varieties. Alm, Johan: Universal algebraic structures on polyvector fields. Aermark, Lior: Hardy and spectral inequalities for a class of partial differential operators. Alexandersson, Per: Combinatorial Methods in Complex Analysis. Jost, Christine: Topics in Computational Algebraic Geometry and Deformation Quantization. Lundqvist, Johannes: On Amoebas and Multidimensional Residues.
Abdulaali, Ahmad K. On the Extension and Wedge Product of Positive Currents, phd thesis on mathematics. Tadesse, Yohannes: Tangential derivations, Hilbert series and modules over Lie algebroids.
Waliullah, Shoyeb: Topics in nonlinear elliptic differential equations. Samieinia, Shiva: Digital geometry, combinatorics, and discrete optimization. Emtander, Eric: Chordal and complete structures in phd thesis on mathematics and commutative algebra. Xantcha, Qimh: The Theory of Polynomial Functors. Granåker, Johan: Wheeled Operads in Algebra, Geometry, and Quantization. Zusmanovich, Pasha: Low-dimensional cohomology of current Lie algebras.
Lundqvist, Samuel: Computational algorithms for algebras, phd thesis on mathematics. Nilsson, Lisa: Amoebas, Discriminants, and Hypergeometric Functions. Rökaeus, Karl: Grothendieck rings and motivic integration.
Strohmayer, Henrik: Prop profiles of compatible Poisson and Nijenhuis structures. Berglund, Alexander: Minimal models in algebra, combinatorics and topology. Franzén, Salla: On propagation of boundary continuity for domains in complex space.
Jacquet, David: On complex convexity. Nobel, Lennart: Polynomial hulls and envelopes of holomorphy. Bergkvist, Tanja: Asymptotics of eigenpolynomials of exactly-solvable operators. Hellgren, Patrik: G-structures and phd thesis on mathematics of isotropic submanifolds in complex contact manifolds. Schuplev, Alexey: Toric varieties and residues, phd thesis on mathematics. Oldin, Mats: Joint Sequences and Factorizations in Free Monoids. Andersson, Johan: Summation formulae and zeta functions.
Brage, Jens: A natural interpretation of classical proofs. Hemmi, Kirsti: Approaching proof in a community of mathematical practice. Carlström, Jesper: Partiality and choice: foundational contributions.
Chulkov, S. Crispin Quinonez, Veronica: Integral closure and related operations on monomial ideals. Ekenberg, Love: A unified framework for indeterminate probabilites and utilities. Tidblom, Jesper: Improved Lp Hardy inequalities. Shadrin, Sergei: Intersections on the moduli space of curves. Larsson, Anna: Periodisations of contragredient Lie superalgebras and their presentions. Rullgård, Hans: Topics in geometry, analysis and inverse problems. Sadykov, Timour: Hypergeometric functions in several complex variables.
Öktem, Ozan: Extensions of separately analytic functions and applications to mathematical tomography, phd thesis on mathematics. Characterizing the range of the exponential Radon transform. Crona, Phd thesis on mathematics Graded rings, Gröbner bases and som classes of Koszul algebras.
Huang, Yisheng: Multiple solutions of equations involving the p-Laplacian in unbounded domains. Snellman, Jan: A graded subring of an inverse limit of polynomial rings. Backelin, Erik: On certain categories of representations related to the category O over a semi-simple lie algebra. Nilsson, Andreas: Singular integrals and multipliers on real phd thesis on mathematics symmetric spaces.
Yongqing, Li: On nonlinear eigenvalue problems and critical point theory for indefinite functionals. Xing, Yang: Zeros and growth of entire functions of several variables, the complex Monge-Ampère operator and some related topics. Gustavsson, Torbjörn: Decompositions of large graphs and digraphs with high minimum degree. Shapiro, Boris: Disconjugate phd thesis on mathematics ordinary differential equations, flag varieties and classification of symplectic leaves in several Kac-Moody and Gelfand-Dikii algebras.
Hellgren, Torsten B. Börjeson, Lennart: Estimates of Bochner-Riesz operators and of averages over hypersurfaces. Ljungström, Anders: Rotstein rings and some inequalities concerning Hilbert functions. Abramczuk, Wojciech: Contributions phd thesis on mathematics three problems in systems of differential and convolution equations. Gottlieb, Christian: Some inequalities concerning colengths in Noetherian rings. Ellingsrud, Geir: Om klassifikasjon av algebraiske vektorbunter på projektive rom.
Fröberg, Ralph: A complex construction with applications to determination of Poincaré series, phd thesis on mathematics. Lindström, Bernt: Studies in additive number theory and combinatorial structures.
Enflo, Per: Investigations on Hilbert's fifth problem for non locally compact groups. Kristoferson, Jan: An exposition of the consistency and independence proofs for the axiom of choice and the continuum hypothesis in axiomatic set phd thesis on mathematics with special regard to Zermelo's axiom system. Lundberg, Anders: A phd thesis on mathematics on continuous solutions of the generalized associativity equation.
Björck, Göran: Linear partial differential operators and generalized distributions. Kiselman, C. Thomée, Vidar: Some results concerning boundary problems for partial differential equations. Dahlquist, Germund: Stability and error bounds in the numerical integration of ordinary differential equations. Hilding, Sven H. Hellsten, Ulf: Determination of the denominator of Fredholm in some types of integral equations. Pleijel, åke: Propriétes asymptotiques des fonctions et valeru propres de certain problèmes de vibrations.
Ehrnst, Fredrik: Sur quelques propriétés des congruences de cercles dans la géométrie conforme. Persson, Karl: Sur une classe de systèmes d'équations linéaires à une infinité d'inconnues. Almer, Bertil: Sur quelques problèmes de la théorie des fonctions analytiques de deux variables complexes. Olson, Hjalmar: Om i hela planet entydiga integraler till ett system av lineära differentialekvationer och om regulära integraler till ett dylikt system.
Berwald, Fz. d'Ailly, G.
How to write your PhD thesis
, time: 1:08:10PhD Theses in Mathematics - Department of Mathematics
Theses and Dissertations. IAM PhD Dissertation Titles to present. Name, Graduation Date. Title. Morena, Matthew, Mutual Stabilization of Chaotic Systems Through Entangles Cupolets. McClain, John, A Supercell Bloch Wave Method for Calculating Low-Energy Electron Reflectivity with Applications to Free-Standing Graphene and Dec 10, · PhD Theses Julian Rennert. Quasi-Hopf Symmetry in Loop Quantum Gravity with Cosmological constant and Spinfoams with timelike surfaces. Andrew Giuliani. A parallel, adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for hyperbolic problems on unstructured meshes. Ian blogger.comted Reading Time: 40 secs rows · In the department awarded its first PhD to Grace M. Bareis, whose
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