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Due to the current COVID situation, nominations for all our researcher prizes have been postponed until Nominations for PhD students who would have been eligible for the round will be accepted for the next round in once open. This prize is awarded annually to the CRUK-funded students who have produced the best PhD theses and made the most outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge in their field.
In addition to the honorarium, winners will be expected to give a talk at the cancer phd thesis CRUK student meeting after they are awarded the Prize. The student should also have given evidence of a strong original contribution to the direction of the research. Cancer Research UK is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. The following materials must be submitted in a nomination:. A letter from the supervisor putting the scientific contribution made by the student's thesis into the context of the research programme of the lab and of the field of research as a whole.
It should also make clear the student's intellectual and technical contribution to the work described in the thesis and include comments on the following:. The names of two senior scientific staff from whom informed opinions, cancer phd thesis, addressing the above criteria, may be sought. Nominations must be submitted electronically to prizes cancer, cancer phd thesis.
Now part of the Francis Crick Institute. The funding for this prize exists through the generosity of Professor Peter Goodfellow FRS, formerly Head of the Human Molecular Genetics Laboratory at the Imperial Cancer Research now part of the Francis Crick Institute. It is named after the geneticist Professor Guido Pontecorvo, who worked at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund from Skip to main content. Pontecorvo Prize for best PhD thesis IMPORTANT UPDATE - 2 April Due to the current COVID situation, nominations for all our researcher prizes have been postponed until Click here for more information.
Key information Awarded to Cancer Research UK PhD students Prize value £ Cancer phd thesis open Postponed until Spring Nominations close Postponed until Spring Make a nomination. Check eligibility. How to make a nomination, cancer phd thesis.
The following materials must be submitted in a nomination: 1. Confirmation cancer phd thesis the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, cancer phd thesis. Cancer phd thesis thesis abstract. A copy of the thesis will be requested prior to the meeting of the judging panel.
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