Sep 18, · Pakistan and Modern World for BA Questions answers. September 18, B.A, English, Modern Essays, Notes, PDF. Here are Key Points of the Modern essay Pakistan and Modern World by Liaqat Ali Khan. This is the first essay of BA part 2 English of Punjab University Lahore. The students who are in B.A part 2 by Punjab University, can see the notes and important questions of Modern Essays Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins May 05, · Pakistan is agronomic, semi- industrialized economy. The 55% of the GDP is contributed by agricultural and livestock sector. The locus of economic growth is along the River Indus and the commercial hubs are in the urban centers of Punjab and Sindh. The major agricultural sectors are the cultivation of cash crops, food crops, livestock and dairy Sep 18, · Important English Essay Topics For BA, BSc Exams List No Matter your are appearing in the annual exams of BA or BSC English is a Compuslory Subject for all the students from all over the Pakistan either it is Punjab University, Sargodha University, Faisalabad University, Karachi University, Peshawar University, Gujrat University or any other University of blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
BA English Essay: Energy Crisis in Pakistan – Pacans Pakistan
When b. a second admission will be stared. uos Please tell me about it. Sc English Essay. How to make Green Pakistan. Comparison with other countries.
Ba essays pakistan of deforestation. What should be done? The world of today is facing ba essays pakistan environment problems Global warming, ba essays pakistan, Ozone depletion and environment pollution are burning issues are across the globe solution of these problem lies in planting more trees on earth.
Green Pakistan program is a step towards mitigating the environmental problems of the world. Green Pakistan program means the plantation of trees in all parts of the country. Billion trees tsunami program has been launched by government of Pakistan to make the country green.
According to the international standards, area under forest should be at least 20 percent of the total land inhabited by the human population. In United States the statistics of forest area are almost 33 percent and in India this ratio is 23 percent.
The forest area of China is 22 percent of the total land area. But the area lowered by forests in our country is about 4. We must bear in mind the reality that plants and trees are the prime source of environment purification and beautification. Trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, ba essays pakistan, reduce temperature and create health effect on human beings both physically and psychologically. Trees provide pollution free atmosphere and counter the unhealthy activities of human beings that bring harmful and damaging effects to the atmosphere.
Trees help in the spiritual growth of a person and save him from depression and frustration. Trees develop positive feelings like love tenderness, courtesy, generosity, happiness and satisfaction in human beings, ba essays pakistan.
Trees are the ornaments of the environment. The turn the deserts into an earth paradise. They are the glamour, ba essays pakistan, glory grandeur and beauty the world of the human beings.
They provide them food as well as shelter without trees the atmosphere present a barren look. Along with providing oxygen and beauty, trees provide us protection against floods and other natural disasters.
Trees are the amazing objects and nature and we learn from them the precious secrets of life, ba essays pakistan. They teach us invaluable passions of endurance, tolerance and sacrifice. It is a matter of great grief that the percentage of trees plantation in Pakistan is very low and slow.
It is a pity to see that the country that has the blessing of many rivers has very little greenery. The ba essays pakistan tragedy is that we are bent upon cutting down the trees that were planted by our ancestors.
It is a very great full sight that every other day numerous trees are being felled sometimes to expand the roads and sometimes to construct new building.
We are losing more and more trees sometimes for unplanned industrialization and sometimes for construction materials. We are cutting trees sometimes for firewood and sometimes for making furniture articles for our household and offices.
Forest is also rapidly decreasing because of growing population, ba essays pakistan. Whatever the reason is this practice is extremely deplorable, ba essays pakistan. The more painful aspect of the picture is that none of us is ready to ponder upon the matter ba essays pakistan. Another enemy of fate is that we pay little attention towards the plantation of new trees.
Unfortunately, we are not serious to resolve our issues honestly. We do everything halfheartedly. First ba essays pakistan all there should be ban on cutting trees.
We should seek alternative resources of burning fire for cooking purposes. There should be more plantations in the country to make it green and prosperous. We should educate our people about the importance of trees. Every individual of the country should participate to make Pakistan green and glorious. Awareness campaign should be motivated because the youth possesses a great potential ba essays pakistan spirit to change society.
They can change any calamity into opportunity with the power of passion and enthusiasm. All they need is proper guidance and encouragement. We should have ba essays pakistan make sincere efforts if we are serious in making Pakistan green. There is dire need of effective policies and concrete measure. Strict laws should be framed against the cutting down of trees.
There should be proper management and the public should also co-operate in this context. The media can also play it role by highlighting the importance of trees. Read Some More Important BA English Essays BA English Essay on Problems Faced by the Students. Labels: BA English Essay A Green Pakistan, ba essays pakistan. Locat Pakistan. anjumfh gmail. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.
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May 05, · BA English Essay: Energy Crisis in Pakistan. umarkhan. May 5, 2 comments. Energy crisis in Pakistan. Energy is the bloodline of a country’s economy. A continuous and sufficient energy `supply can ensure a healthy and progressive economy. Pakistan is unfortunate to face severe energy crisis in recent years Sep 18, · Important English Essay Topics For BA, BSc Exams List No Matter your are appearing in the annual exams of BA or BSC English is a Compuslory Subject for all the students from all over the Pakistan either it is Punjab University, Sargodha University, Faisalabad University, Karachi University, Peshawar University, Gujrat University or any other University of blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Sep 20, · It is always pakistan ba essays dened favorably against other squads.. Ben sira is speaking of the translation, there will be in the same as the history of religions. In which reection on the correct information about writing can be changed, as a result of the dynamics of cultural exchange
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