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A List of Interesting Cultural Topics to Write About
The teacher is mistaken, or possibly lying. If his pronouncement were of actual importance, his hearers would rouse, gape, cry approval, or protest. It would seem that we have a simple and incontrovertible means of recognizing the important: it is interesting. But historians have been impelled to introduce a contrary principle.
Honoring patient industry, they praise the researcher who has read through the English Court of Chancery records, or a mountain of French provincial archives, or the ledgers of a thousand early ironmongers in Oklahoma.
This is splendid, of course; the researchers deserve all the praise they get, and more. However, they are applauded not because their work is interesting but because it is uninteresting. They american heritage essay topics rewarded for their endurance in the study of the insignificant.
Let us give them a great big hand instead of reading the massive volumes that result from their labors. The exaltation of the unimportant is promoted by the value system of college teaching. The historian is pulled and pushed into publication, american heritage essay topics. He is pulled by his desire to give the scholarly world something new, or something old that has been forgotten, even though justly forgotten.
He longs to resurrect a skeleton and clack its bones together until he lets go and it relapses into its comfortable grave.
At the same time, the historian is pushed by the academic demand that he publish for promotion, for the attainment of Tenure, that blissful state in which he need never again publish anything. So, until Tenure enfolds him, and sometimes after, he publishes. In a recent issue of the American Historical Review I count critical reviews of books and noncritical notices of more.
I do not american heritage essay topics microfilms and the list of learned periodical articles, which outrun my ability to count. Many of these studies look interesting to me; I am sure that all of them are interesting, and hence important, american heritage essay topics, to some subscribers to the Review. But these are specialized importances; I am concerned rather with Importance in the large sense, Importance for the nonunprofessional reader, who has the blessed privilege of stopping when he is bored.
If one examines a set of current historical textbooks, one sees that their authors agree pretty closely on what is important. In medieval history, for instance, ample space is always allotted to feudalism. It must be defined, analyzed, distinguished from the manorial system, and pursued through periods of dominance and decline. The student must be thoroughly instructed on feudal land tenure in various countries and on the forces at work to transform it into other systems of landholding.
Again, the investiture controversy bulks large in every history of the Middle Ages. At issue was the question whether the pope or a monarch should invest a new bishop with american heritage essay topics ring and crosier, symbols of his office.
Again, or again again, every medieval history dwells at length on nominalism versus realism. Though of course you remember nominalism and realism, I may remind some less instructed reader of this essay that there are two attitudes toward universal, or generalized ideal classes. Not so, said the nominalists; universals are merely names, linguistic conveniences. These three phenomena, or manifestations, or concretions—feudalism, the investiture controversy, the quarrel of universal—are all clearly important.
To some degree they have american heritage essay topics over into our own habits of thought. They are interesting—or at least interesting to those who are interested in this kind of thing.
But is their importance not perhaps overdone? Each of these subjects has produced a vast body of american heritage essay topics literature, filled with subtle argument, passion, and vituperation. One may wonder if the mass of commentary has not exalted the subjects above their intrinsic worth.
One may wonder if, in modern parlance, there is not too much feedback in their circuits. One may even wonder if historical importance may not be defined as that which historians have liked to argue about. If importance is what is of import, consequence, and value to me in my daily life, then feudalism, the investiture of bishops, nominalism and realism, all added american heritage essay topics, are less important than the buttons on my coat and the zipper on my trousers.
But what does history tell us about the button? Very little. The ancient Greeks and Romans had no buttons; they held themselves together with brooches and clasps and fibulaesafety pins. The button was apparently invented, like so much else, in China, with the linking of garments by a kind of toggle and with the application of frogs to silk to hold buttons and preserve buttonholes. By the end of the thirteenth century there had been an explosion of buttons in western Europe, and they were standard equipment in the fourteenth.
They were used for service and display; gentlemen wore a row of buttons on their sleeves, as we continue to do to show our respect for history.
I have dwelt at such length on the history of the button because no historian apparently has done so, and because its history seems to me perhaps as important as that of the royal crown or the papal tiara. Once history was chiefly military; then it became political, then economic and sociological. The history of ideas has its vogue, and so has the history of science and technology. The abundance and variety of histories suggests that there is no one measure of importance, but that one subject can be treated from many points of view.
Everything is important to someone, somewhere, somewhen, american heritage essay topics. Or so at least the historian hopes. Said Dr. There is nothing so minute or inconsiderable that I would not rather know it than not. Much of history is hemming ruffles. But a ruffle well hemmed may be important, american heritage essay topics, and not to the hemmer alone.
The historian wants to preserve everything in memory. He wants to be useful, to do good, american heritage essay topics. The fire chief, on hearing an alarm, would hastily consult the History of Conflagrations.
But fire chiefs, mayors, and congressmen use history only as an ornament to beautify or conceal their purpose. He took a shipload of historians to Versailles in to make the treaty. And the Treaty of Versailles was rather worse than most treaties, in the judgment of later historians. The lessons of history are as obscure and equivocal as the oracles at Delphi and Dodona.
Its chief lesson is that it has no lessons, american heritage essay topics. Its importance lies only in itself. Its subject is all that man has done in past time. And past time is all time, for the present is only a knife-edge division between past and future.
There is no present; we cannot be sure that there is any future. History, the entire past of mankind and of ourselves, american heritage essay topics, envelops us.
We cannot escape from history except into death or senility. If any spark of curiosity lives american heritage essay topics us, we must be interested in history. When we lose our curiosity, the end is near. But what is important in history?
Everything is important, because everything touches us, at one remove or at a trillion. The life of an Egyptian slave, or of a Scythian chieftain, or of a potter in an Indian pueblo has infinitesimally affected our own lives, and may be ours again in imagination.
Our imagination is our reality, and all that american heritage essay topics it is important. On the other hand, nothing is important, except our life and death, which are not very important either. Please support this year tradition of trusted historical writing and the volunteers that sustain it with a donation to American Heritage. All Rights Reserved. To license content, please contact licenses [at] americanheritage. Essay: What Is Important In History?
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Conversations with Crosby: Sec. Lonnie Bunch on American Heritage, Culture, and the Humanities
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Aug 02, · Interesting Cause and Effect Essay Topics & Ideas. Cause and effect essays examine how an event happened and what consequences it had. Gaining weight after eating lots of fast food is an example of a cause and effect relationship. Possible topics cover a variety of subjects ranging from mental health to history and politics American Heritage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - words. Course ID Date 5. Separation of Power in U.S. Constitution The concept of separation of power has given rise to a system of checks and balance within United States. Course ID Date 5 1 American Heritage Essay #1 Haley Bodnar Dr. Karpowitz 9/22/16 Essay #1 Government involvement has always been a touchy subject within our society. When it comes to civic virtue there are plenty of reasons as to why having the government get
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